This retreat draws inspiration from the book "La Bhakti - Le Stavacintamani De Bhattanarayana" by French scholar and mystic Lilian Silburn. The non-dual devotion of the Śaiva masters is a blend of heartfelt adoration, aesthetic rapture, and profound philosophy, as exemplified in Utpaladeva's words:

"I bow to the wondrous Shambhu - the bestower of happiness; the one who weaves the cosmic illusion, yet remains perfectly pure; the one who is hidden, yet is clearly visible; the one who is subtle and yet is the form of everything!" - Utapaladeva, Shivastotravali

Lord Shiva

Our meditative journey delves into the rich tapestry of Śaiva philosophy, exploring the symbolic representations of the transcendent Absolute. Through this inquiry, we seek to deepen our understanding of Consciousness and the nature of reality.

The Śaivas of Kashmir refer to the Absolute reality as Bhairava or Paramaśiva. Being non-dualists, they understand that the Highest Truth transcends everything manifest and lies beyond the reach of language, nevertheless they worship the Divine as a living, immanent presence. This approach reflects their recognition that the transcendent Absolute is not separate from the world but intimately woven into the fabric of existence, accessible through devotion and direct experience.

As we traverse this path, Śiva reveals himself as Māyāvin, the magician who wields the power of Mahāmāyā, the veil of ignorance hiding his true nature. Through this cosmic illusion, the undifferentiated Absolute appears as the diverse subjects and objects of the universe. We then encounter Paśupati, the lord of grace and compassion, who shepherds bound souls toward self-realization through divine insight and inspiration.

The fiercer aspects of Śiva, such as Dhūrjati, Virūpākṣa and Bhairava, challenge our attachments and dissolve the ego, clearing the way for us to embrace the Divine in its fullness. Nāṭarāja, the cosmic dancer, embodies the pulsating rhythm of Consciousness, performing his eternal dance as each of us on the stage of the Self.

Finally, we reflect on Śiva as Umāpati, the lover of Umā (the pure, transcendent energy), contemplating how love is both the origin and culmination of all existence. This journey invites both devotion and transcendence, offering a profound engagement with Divinity in its symbolic and personal forms. It is an invitation to immerse ourselves in the divine inspiration that gave rise to this tradition and its teachings on the ultimate nature of Reality.

Lord Shiva
Homage to Shiva

"In this realm of devotion, Shiva loves the mystic, and the mystic loves Shiva, merging as a single and equal love. Entering through the gate of the soul, one finds Shiva united with his energy, bathing in the lake of eternal ambrosia" - Lilian Silburn.

Course Contents

1. Discourses

During the course we explore key philosophical and spiritual concepts central to the Śaiva tradition and non-dual teachings:

  • Illusion & Ignorance: Understanding the nature of Māyā (illusion) that veils reality with ignorance and binds us within duality.
  • Grace, Insight & Aspiration: The transformative power of divine grace in awakening and guiding the seeker.
  • Reorienting One's Life Towards the Divine: Cultivating a mindset of detachment and aligning one’s life with higher spiritual principles.
  • The Stages of Meditative Absorption: A systematic exploration of the deepening states of meditative experience according to classical yoga philosophy and the non-dual Śaiva perspective.
  • The Ineffable Non-Dual Reality: Contemplating the ultimate reality that transcends all concepts and distinctions.
  • Spanda (The Vibratory Nature of Consciousness): Recognizing the dynamic, pulsating nature of consciousness and embodying liberation in daily life.
  • Devotion: Embracing love and devotion as profound paths to spiritual realization.

2. Chanting Śaiva Stotras (Devotional Hymns)

We will contemplate and learn to chant Sanskrit Śaiva hymns, invoking the divine and cultivating a devotional connection to the Absolute.

3. Mantra Practice (Japa)

Through repetition of sacred mantras, we focus the mind, harmonize our inner energies, and deepen our connection to the Divine.

4. Prāṇāyāma

We will practice a variety of simple breathing techniques to balance the life force, calm the mind, and prepare the body for meditation.

5. Silent & Guided Meditations

We will engage in silent, mantra-based meditations alongside guided meditations to cultivate mental stillness and awaken profound insights into various aspects of consciousness and the spiritual path.

7. Music Meditations

We will immerse ourselves in meditative soundscapes crafted to inspire, deepen insight, and elevate awareness to heightened states of being.

This course combines philosophy, practice, and experiential learning to guide participants on a transformative spiritual journey. Join us on this spiritual adventure!

Joining online

The online version of this course will be offered at the same time as the in-person retreat but asynchronously. The teachings will be recorded and uploaded after each session to accommodate people in different time zones. The teachings will remain online for 7 weeks so that online participants can digest the teachings and do the practices at their own pace.

If you are interested in joining online please click the button below.

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