Bathe In Consciousness

Bathe In Consciousness

05 Jan 2025

Bathe in consciousness. Allow the fluctuating waves of relativity, insignificance and all that is mundane to subside within you. Drink from the eternal fountain of your own immortal essence and welcome the cleansing, healing, serenely splendid wellspring of wholeness as it flows deeply within you. In this serenity, the Divine light of Totality, unobstructed, permits the upsurge of Absoluteness to arise in and as your own very Self. This surging fullness brings with it, waves of wisdom, insight, revelation and rapture rising up from the eternal creative source place of all existence. These waves uproot and untie the weeds and knots of all seeming limitations. Bathed in the light of pure awareness all diversity and separation melts into a unified flux of perfection. All the artifacts of contraction and the chains of bondage that persist within us, forged out of the multitude of ignorant and misaligned thoughts, feelings and actions cannot withstand this burgeoning torrent of Brilliance. In the overflowing radiance of Oneness what was once perceived as small and finite is recognized as immense and infinite. What was once felt to be limited and bound is realized to be limitless and eternally free, This shimmering, sparkling delightfully rapturous effulgence pulsates and throbs as the blissfulness of our own Divine nature; as the Divine nature of the wholeness of Being itself. The recognition of Divinity permits the unknowable to be known. the incomprehensible to be comprehended and the unspeakable truth to be whispered and roared deep within the pure Heart of Awareness.