The Universe Shines in Consciousness

The Universe Shines in Consciousness

05 Jan 2025

"Where all splendors are in the light
And all darknesses in the dark
Brilliant light and gloomy darkness!
I praise that transcendent supreme light.
Always new, hidden,
Yet old and apparent to all,
The Heart, the Ultimate
Shines alone with the brilliance of the Supreme." - Abhinavagupta

"Although the Light shines as all things at all times and hence also makes their diversity manifest, penetrating each object individually as well as collectively, it is not totally 'merged' or identified with the object so as to suffer any division within itself. Our experience of any object is of the form: i see this': it is not itself an object, but the manifest form the object assumes as a luminous principle of experience. The Light is ever revealed and can never be obscured; objectivity can never cast a shadow on the light of consciousness.

This Light is the highest reality (paramdrtha). It is the 'Ancient Light' that makes all things new and fresh every moment. It is 'always new and secret, ancient and known to all'. It is the form of the Present, the Eternal Now." - Mark Dyczkowski