May you be glorified o essence of consciousness

May you be glorified o essence of consciousness

05 Jan 2025

Happy Mahashivaratri!

"May you be glorified, O Essence of Consciousness,
Appearing in many forms as Agni,
The moon, the sun, Brahma, Visnu,
The mobile and the immobile.

May you be glorified, O Mighty Fire,
Brilliantly lustrous from smearing the ashes
That remain of the universe,
Your sole oblation.

May you be glorified, O Mild One,
Smooth and brimming with the finest nectar,
O Terrible One who burns away
The entire universe.

May you be glorified, O Mahadeva,
O Rudra, Sankara
O Siva, Embodiment of the Mantra

May the Lord be glorified,
The mysterious Sambhu
Whose only definition is that he is
Devoid of all definitions.

Glory be to Sambhu,
The sole cause of the universe
And its only destroyer,
Who takes worldly form
And who transcends the world.

Glory be to Sambhu,
Who is the consummate beginning, middle, and end,
Who takes the form of beginning, middle, and end,
Who is without beginning, middle, or end.

Homage to that wondrous Sambhu,
The Deluding One
Who is yet pure and clear;
The Hidden One
Who has yet revealed himself;
The Subtle One
Whose form yet takes the form of the whole universe.

Homage to the Auspicious One,
The Pure, the Protector, the Adorned Soul,
The Beloved, the Highest Truth,
The Best of all things.

Homage to Sambhu,
The One who is ever bound
Yet enjoys eternal liberation:
Who is beyond bondage and liberation.

May you be glorified, O Deva!
Homage! Adoration!
O Protector of the Whole Universe,
O Supreme Lord of the Three Worlds,
For refuge I come to you alone." - Utpaladeva, tr Constantina Rhodes Bailly