This is the Rapture of the Self

This is the Rapture of the Self

05 Jan 2025

This book is a gold mine of wisdom and inspiration. I was gifted this at the end of my retreat with Paul in November last year. It's a pre-release version of the book so I'm not sure when the actual book is being published.

It is a collection of excerpts from Paul's discourses on various topics related to Kashmir Shaivism, spiritual life and meditation in general. In reading these pages it is easy to discern that these are the inspired words of not only an intelligent mind drenched in the knowledge of this tradition but also an awareness that has steeped deeply in the transcendent realm where flashes of insight spontaneously arise - what Paul refers to as Bhavana (Bhavana is a 'practice' which also carries with it other connotations).

Many of the excerpts in the book can be found on the Bluethroat Yoga Facebook page