Gaze into the infinite

Gaze into the infinite

05 Jan 2025

"When you gaze into the Infinite, what you find is the Infinite, gazing back at You!"

This was a contemplation that was arising during the end a retreat which I recently lead with an amazing group of sincere and aspiring "seekers of truth" and "lovers of wisdom". During the course of the retreat we contemplated many of the beautiful wisdom teachings of the Vijnanabhairava Tantra, which aims at the same non-dual vision which the above meme is pointing at; the all-pervasive nature of consciousness and the realization that all of manifest reality is but a reflection within the Sky of Consciousness. Which is not to say that it is 'unreal' as such, but that it has no independent nature of it's own and is instead dependent upon the light of the One Consciousness that pervades all of existence. That light is the un-caused cause, in that it is the cause of everything and yet has no cause or dependency of it's own. It is Self-luminous and eternal. The abode of Absolute-ness and the ground of all Being.