like a wave from the ocean

like a wave from the ocean

05 Jan 2025

"You didn't come IN to this world, you came OUT of it, like a wave from the ocean. Every individual is a unique expression of the whole. What you are deep, deep down, far, far in, is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself!" - Alan Watts

One of my favorite quotes of Alan's, speaking to this alienating, and dividing notion that most of us carry around, that we are somehow separate from the world around us. This sets up a world full of conflict, between self and other. where one feels the need to manipulate, conquer and extort the environment and people around us for personal gain, not realizing the deep interconnectedness we share with all things. It is a notion which fosters a mechanistic view of the universe, and a lonely, isolated perception of ourselves trapped in a world not of our making.